GlobeVCS is among the most widely used GHG program in global voluntary markets. VCS sectoral scopes are closely aligned with the scopes used by the CDM and by the ANSI. VCS relies on four basic elements to provide quality assurance:

  1. VCS quality assurance principles and requirements are aligned with global best practice. Projects must follow all requirements in the VCS Standard to ensure emission reductions and credits generated are real, additional and third-party verified.
  2. VCS methodologies require projects meet specific eligibility criteria and follow pre-approved protocols for quantifying GHG emission reductions or removals. VCS also allows market participants to develop new methodologies, using innovative approaches that reflect the latest on-the-ground research.
  3. Under VCS, all emission reductions and credits are professionally verified by approved validation/verification bodies (VVBs).
  4. VCS offers a secure registry system for issuing and transparently tracking each Verified Carbon Unit (VCU). VCS offers a unique multiple-registry system that can expand to new markets.

Projects can use VCS to determine eligibility, quantify emission reductions and generate credits across any of 15 sectoral scopes, or categories of activities, which are:

  1. Energy (renewable/non-renewable)
  2. Energy distribution
  3. Energy demand
  4. Manufacturing industries
  5. Chemical industry
  6. Construction
  7. Transport
  8. Mining/Mineral production
  9. Metal production
  10. Fugitive emissions – from fuels (solid, oil and gas)
  11. Fugitive emissions – from Industrial gases (halocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride)
  12. Solvents use
  13. Waste handling and disposal
  14. Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
  15. Livestock and manure management